Student & parent fills out an application to test at the student's assigned school with their counselor
The counselor meets with the student & parent to discuss if assessments are appropriate, as well as other appropriate opportunities for the student
The counselor makes a referral to the assessment office
Assessment office schedules time to meet with students and assign prerequisites
Student completes pre-requisites and they are verified
Proctor administers assessment
Test is scored
The Task section is assigned
The Task section is scored
Credit awarded if the student achieves the passing threshold for the test
Grade is posted to the transcript if passed or failed
Demonstrated Competency (Test-For-Credit)
Procedure to Test-For-Credit
Be advised that
The results of the test will be posted to the student’s transcript whether they pass or fail.
The NCAA may or may not accept “demonstrated competency” (test-for-credit) for the purposes of athletic eligibility.
Scholarships may or may not accept “demonstrated competency” (test-for-credit) for the purposes of awarding scholarship money.